Monday, January 14, 2008

Jabenzi: Bring back the joy of work (in Africa)

Jabenzi, a new start-up company in Africa has its own website.

According to one of the directors, Prof James Blignaut, Jabenzi is derived from two Zulu words namely Jabula (meaning joy) and Umsebenzi (meaning work). [T]he purpose of Jabenzi is to bring back the joy of work and the joy of being able to have work.

The objectives of Jabenzi are to:
Make a contribution towards the restoration of the natural capital base of the focus area through the improvement and expansion of the environmental and conservation initiatives;
Make a contribution towards ensuring food, water, and energy security;
Make a contribution towards the improvement and expansion of the infrastructure network (roads, telecommunication, energy and water and sanitation) across the focus area;
Make a contribution towards the development of the respective countries in the focus area by supporting their prevailing development initiatives;
Make a contribution towards poverty eradication in the area through its various projects and programmes; and
Make a contribution towards restoring the social fibre among the communities in which it operates by partnering with various community and conscious-based organisations in its various projects and programmes.

I wish this noble endeavour all the best. I must admit that I am not entirely neutral on this as Jabenzi has strong connections to ASSET Research Pty Ltd, and NGO I am also involved in, and Prof James Blignaut has been a close friend and mentor for many years.

A suggestion from us in the blogosphere; can an RSS feed be added on the website?

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