Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Types of growth and poverty reduction

Only economic growth in certain sectors reduced poverty (at least in China):

"The Pattern of Growth and Poverty Reduction in China" Free Download

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5069

JOSE G. MONTALVO, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
MARTIN RAVALLION, World Bank - Development Research Group (DECRG)

China has seen a huge reduction in the incidence of extreme poverty since the economic reforms that started in the late 1970s. Yet, the growth process has been highly uneven across sectors and regions. The paper tests whether the pattern of China´s growth mattered to poverty reduction using a new provincial panel data set constructed for this purpose. The econometric tests support the view that the primary sector (mainly agriculture) has been the main driving force in poverty reduction over the period since 1980. It was the sectoral unevenness in the growth process, rather than its geographic unevenness, that handicapped poverty reduction. Yes, China has had great success in reducing poverty through economic growth, but this happened despite the unevenness in its sectoral pattern of growth. The idea of a trade-off between these sectors in terms of overall progress against poverty in China turns out to be a moot point, given how little evidence there is of any poverty impact of non-primary sector growth, controlling for primary-sector growth. While the non-primary sectors were key drivers of aggregate growth, it was the primary sector that did the heavy lifting against poverty.

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